Sunday, May 12, 2013

Children's Rooms

When our third child was on the way, it was decided to add a room of our house. The room we had planned for our new born son was immediately claimed by his older sister. We realized that to be honest, the first born deserved first choice of rooms, at that time we started to evaluate the design of the new room.

It was a revelation of our mental image of the room changed immediately. Indeed, the babies room would soon become a child's room, then the room of a preschool-aged child, elementary school room of a child after school ... until the room could eventually become a college student. In our planning, we went from wanting the room adjacent to the master bedroom for access to the child, knowing that our daughter would soon want distance and privacy from their parents (and vice versa). This is a lesson that I try to convey to my clients that add room "a children's home.

The child will be a high school student quicker than we think. Additional sound insulation is inexpensive during construction but costly afterward. The choice of designs that work for both a child and a young adult makes everyone's life. There are always compromises but living with a poorly thought home is the biggest compromise. Painting and furniture are easy to change, it is difficult to move.

The new room we build is the place were my three kids together and bring their friends. There is no better reward for a good design, you have your customers love your new space.



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